Blog, DH Fellowship

DHNow: 2017 in Review

Below is the end-of-the-year blog post I wrote for DHNow (originally posted on

Digital Humanities Now will be taking a break until January 9, but before we go, we’d like to take the time to wrap up 2017. This November marked nine years of publication for Digital Humanities Now. Through the work of our dedicated staff and our generous community of volunteer editorsDHNow continues to build a new model for scholarly communication based on open scholarship, community participation, and attribution.

Our Numbers

Our statistics from 2017 testify to the continuing dynamism and value of open-access scholarship in the digital humanities. Over the course of the year, we featured an average of two to three Editors’ Choice pieces each week for a total of 104 published pieces. We also published an average of seven news items each week for a total of 311 items.

The DHNow community keeps growing. We had almost 33,000 users and nearly 100,000 pageviews on our site this year, and we now have just over 26,500 followers on Twitter.

Our Editors-at-Large are still the key to DHNow’s success. In 2017, a total of 83 people volunteered their time to serve as Editors-at-Large for at least one week and, on average, four separate weeks. Of our Editors-at-Large, 64 were new volunteers, and 19 were returning editors. Each week, DHNow had an average of seven Editors-at-Large nominating content for publication. We extend our sincerest gratitude for their time and effort.

New Staff and New Roles

Managing such a large publication also depends on the hard work and dedication of the staff at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM). This fall, new Digital History Fellows and a new Graduate Research Assistant began serving rotations as Editor-in-Chief. Bringing their own diverse experiences in digital humanities and digital public history, LaQuanda Walters Cooper, Greta Swain, and Caitlin Hartnett have all contributed fresh perspectives to DHNow. The role of Editor-in-Chief is essential for ensuring that DHNow remains a valuable resource for the field, and we thank all of our Editors-in-Chief for their expertise and enthusiasm.

2017 marked the departure of Managing Editor Amanda Morton, whose commitment and guidance helped expand and improve DHNow over the years that she worked on the publication. Joshua Catalano has stepped into her role, joining our other Managing Editor, Amanda Regan.

In 2017, Laura Crossley joined the DHNow staff as part of her second year of the Digital History Fellowship. Over the summer, she served as full-time Editor-in-Chief. She has also taken on the role of Site Manager, formatting content for publication, conducting correspondence, running DHNow‘s Twitter account, and taking care of other day-to-day administrative tasks.

Join us again in 2018!

On behalf of the DHNow staff, thank you for another great year. We look forward to publishing more digital humanities news and scholarship in January 2018. Don’t forget to join us again in the new year by nominating RSS/Atom feeds with relevant digital humanities content and by volunteering to serve as Editor-at-Large for a week.

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