Blog, DH Fellowship

Research Division

With our return from Spring Break, our rotation in the Research division has come to an end. Our main projects were working on documentation and testing for Tropy and contributing to the redesign of the PressForward website. In between, we were also able to spend time learning HTML, CSS, and Python and doing lessons on the Programming Historian. From the beginning…

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Blog, DH Fellowship

Education Division

Jessica and I spent our first rotation at CHNM in the Education division. We had the opportunity to help out with a number of projects, including Understanding Sacrifice, Through the Doors of Stratford: Desegregating Arlington Public Schools (an online course for Arlington Public Schools), Eagle Eye Citizen, and Hidden in Plain Sight. Understanding Sacrifice is a professional development program for teachers…

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Blog, Clio 1

Presentation of Project Ideas

We spent the class period on November 21st presenting our ideas for the final project, a proposal for a digital humanities project. My project idea is an online teaching resource, specifically related to indigenous histories of Chicago (although I am not pursuing this project in real life). This post is not the final proposal, just an attempt to collect my thoughts so…

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Blog, Clio 1

Free Culture Response

Lawrence Lessig’s Free Culture makes the case that the expansion of copyright power in the last several decades is hindering creativity and scientific advances. Lessig argues that while copyright law began as an attempt to incentivize creativity by protecting creators’ rights to their work, “The law’s role is less and less to support creativity, and more and more to protect…

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