DH Reads

DH Read: COVID-19 Roundups

After taking over as Managing Editor of Digital Humanities Now and retaining all of the daily responsibilities of Site Manager, I haven’t really had the time to reflect on DH reads here. However, I wanted to share a couple of roundup posts I put together for DHNow in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. These unprecedented circumstances have prompted a…

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Blog, DH Fellowship

Responding to the Technophobes and the Technophiles

For our weekly meetings with Dr. Robertson, the DH fellows each find an interesting new post about digital humanities to share with the group. Over the course of the year, we’re supposed to track some sort of theme or trend. Last year, I focused on posts and projects that work to Indigenize and/or decolonize digital humanities. This year, I’ve followed…

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Blog, DH Fellowship

Spring 2018 in the Research Division

My second semester in the Research Division—the final semester of my fellowship—has come to a close. Most of my time was spent working on Digital Humanities Now and PressForward. Both have seen a few changes this spring, but the most exciting news is that we launched the redesign for the PressForward website! The new website had been in the works…

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Blog, DH Fellowship

Fall 2017 in the Research Division

For my second year of the fellowship, I am working in the Research Division, mainly on Digital Humanities Now and PressForward. Fall semester was a busy one for PressForward—we released PressForward 5.0, and we have been preparing an overhaul of the website. Helping out with all of that work has made this an exciting time to be in the division.…

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